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Day Three May 1 1:15pm-1:45pm

Experts by Experience: Utilising Lived And Living Experience In Policy, Service Design And Delivery

Exploring the impact of lived/living experience on personal recovery: a personal reflection

Broadening and deepening lived/living experience engagement and practice: what, when and where?

Reflecting on the impact of the peer role on the lived experience practitioner

Supporting lived experience in the workforce.

Connection. Collaboration. Belonging. Purpose. Recovery.

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    Tanya Kretschmann

About the Speaker

Tanya Kretschmann is a passionate consumer advocate, lived experience consultant, recovery speaker and peer mentor. She represents consumers on numerous local, state, national and internation committees, and is dedicated to enhancing consumer-led, recovery-orientated and integrated care through policy and systems advocacy, service design, delivery and evaluation, and individual peer engagement. Tanya has worked in lived experience and peer roles in public, private and non-government sectors, and is both adult and child and youth services. Tanya has a lived experience of a severe and enduring eating disorder, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, polydrug use and harm and suicide. Outside Tanya’s policy, service and advocacy roles, Tanya is mum to an energetic almost 2-year old, and is an Auslan (Australian Sign Language) Signing Artist.