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Day Two April 30 8:45am-9:15am

The Future of "Responsible Gambling"

To date, "Responsible Gambling" initiatives have been largely reactive. Much of responsible gambling strategy has been developed as a response to problem gambling and gambling related harms. As a result, there is a strong public stigma attached to responsible gambling strategies and initiatives, with relatively low consumer uptake. A more nuanced approach to the concept of responsible gambling would be of benefit, to allow for interventions which meet the needs of a particular person, with a particular level of risk, at a particular time. Stepped care models of interventions, as taken from mental health and public health literature, can guide responsible gambling and harm reduction strategies, to be both preventative and proactive, as well as protective of those already experiencing gambling harms. This cannot be a one-size fits all approach.
  • Anastasia-Hronis-web

    Anastasia Hronis

    Clinical Psychologist, Founder of the Australian Institute for Human Wellness, Academic at the University of Technology Sydney

About the Speaker

Dr Anastasia Hronis (B Psych (Hons), M Clin Psych, AMusA, LMusA, Ph.D) is a clinical psychologist, working in both academia and clinical practice. She is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Technology Sydney, and founder of the Australian Institute for Human Wellness. Anastasia has special interest in addictions, specifically behavioural addictions and gambling. She has presented her research at national and international conferences, and published in top rated journals. Anastasia is also the associate editor for the Springer Journal: Discover Psychology.